The Institute of Medical Robotics successfully held its second summer school

July 14, 2020

On July 6, 2020, the 2nd Summer School of Medical Robotics Research Institute of Shanghai JiaoTong University was successfully held on ZOOM online platform. The summer school, hosted by the lnstitute for Medical Robotics, attracted 135 graduate and senior undergraduates from eight countries, including some of the world's top universities, to attend online classes.

The world meet, the perfect beginning

The online summer school was hosted online by Professor Xie Lei, assistant dean of the lnstitute of Medical Robotics. Professor Yang Guangzhong, Academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Dean of the School of Biomedical Engineering and Director of the lnstitute of Medical Robotics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony on July 6.

Friends study together, listening to the teacher

The five-day summer school will feature collaborative programming and expert instruction.

Fantastic ideas, back and forth

During the summer school, it was at the first stage of the Bay of Zero Robotics Forum. On July 10th, the summer school students participated in the first session of the forum. They listened to the report by Professor Yang Guangzhong and Professor Zhang Li, the author of the paper on Science Robotics,and had an in-depth discussion and exchange on the issues in the report.

The online summer school gather all people together, promoting in-depth exchanges of the forefront of imformation and knowledge. We feel the passion and hope from young scholars, further advancing the international exchange and development of medical robotic research institute.