BAO Bingkun and LIN Qiuning: High-Strength Gelatin Hydrogel Scaffold with Drug Loading Remodels the Inflammatory Microenvironment to Enhance Osteoporotic Bone Repair
BAO Bingkun and LIN Qiuning: High-Strength Gelatin Hydrogel Scaffold with Drug Loading Remodels the Inflammatory Microenvironment to Enhance Osteoporotic Bone Repair
Seminar Report | Publication and Peer Review Process in the Field of Nanomedicine at Nature Communications
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces丨Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Biomedical Applications: Recent Advances and Future Challenges
LIN Guanning Group: Epigenetic Impacts of Non-Coding Mutations Deciphered Through Pre-Trained DNA Language Model at Single-Cell Resolution