Biomedical Engineering Alumni Reunion: Celebration on 127th Anniversary of SJTU

April 12, 2023

On July 22,  a grand alumni reunion was held at the Wenxuan Building, Minhang Campus. This vibrant event brought together distinguished alumni and industry leaders, including Cheng Minghe, the co-founder of Mindray, alumni representatives Liang Peiji and Xu Guanghan, senior vice president of L&R Medical Yang Daning, founder of Pureglobal Meng Zhu, chairman of Aired Bio Zhu Hui, vice director of Liyang High-tech Zone Management Committee Pan Yiming, vice president and deputy party secretary of Shanghai Lin-gang Xinchuang Economic Development Co., Ltd., Yang Lingyu, the party secretary of the Engineering College of Shanghai Ocean University, Yan Ping, vice chairman of Shanghai Baiyi Molecular and Nano Medicine Innovation and Transformation Center, Mao Fuping, general manager of RuiXi (Shanghai) Medical Technology Co., Ltd., Chen Jin, and chairman of Shanghai Shuli Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Wang Wei. The event was attended by Chen Jiangping, party secretary of the School of Biomedical Engineering, executive vice-dean Jin Xuejun, several leadership team members, and over a hundred alumni and faculty representatives. The conference was chaired by the deputy party secretary of the college, Meng Xiangqi.

In the opening remarks, Chen Jiangping warmly welcomed all guests, alumni, and faculty members and expressed gratitude for their longstanding support and care for their alma mater. He highlighted that the college's development over the past decade is inseparable from the strong support of its alumni. Chen encouraged the alumni to continue their hard work and climbing peaks while upholding the SJTU tradition of "When drinking water, think of its source; love the motherland, and honor the university," and to actively contribute ideas and strategies for the "Health Innovation Building," thus contributing to the construction and development of their alma mater and the School of Biomedical Engineering.

Alumni  have shown deep concern for the development of their alma mater by establishing numerous scholarships and teaching awards, encouraging juniors to dedicate themselves to scientific research and innovation, and inspiring faculty to fulfill their mission of fostering virtue through education, thereby boosting the college's talent cultivation efforts. Vice Dean Bai Jingfeng and Sun Jianqi presented certificates to the students who won the "Alumni Scholarship." Alumni representative Liang Peiji and teacher Jin Xuejun awarded certificates to the winners of the "80211 Class Alumni Scholarship" and the "80271 Class Alumni Scholarship." Alumni Yang Daning presented certificates to the winners of the "L&R Medical Scholarship." Alumni Meng Zhu and Mr. Zhu Hui awarded certificates to the winners of the "Purecert Scholarship" and the "Aired Scholarship." Representatives of the 80103 class alumni awarded certificates to the winners of the "80103 Class Teaching Award" and the "Class Head Teacher Liu Guoting Teaching Award." Chen Jiangping and Jin Xuejun presented certificates to the winners of the "Yao Jia Excellent Teacher Award Fund."

Alumni Xu Guanghan from the 1985 cohort of the Biomedical Engineering major shared his journey of turning his major into a career with simple and humorous language, encouraging attendees to stay firm in their beliefs, overcome difficulties, and bravely undertake the mission of SJTU. 


Alumni Meng Zhu, the first undergraduate graduate of the college, reminisced about his colorful university life at SJTU and shared the unique advantages his interdisciplinary medical engineering education brought to his career. 

Alumni Cheng Minghe fondly recalled his happy times at SJTU. He mentioned that the "Jiaotong University gene" inherited from his parents and grandparents had inspired him to aspire to study at SJTU since childhood, and the deeply ingrained "Jiaotong University spirit" profoundly influenced his career development. He shared his views on the biomedical engineering major and its broad prospects, encouraging biomedical engineering students to strive vigorously and add new vitality to China's health industry.

The meeting concluded with alumni and faculty members singing the Shanghai Jiao Tong University anthem.