Lab-on-Chip for cell manipulation and genetransfection
August 03, 2020
Theme:Lab-on-Chip for cell manipulation and genetransfection
Host:Dr. Ling-Qian Chang
Time:4th August, 2020, 17:30-19:00
Location: Room 218, Med-X Research Institute, Xuhui Campus, SJTU
Lab-on-Chip system require capture / move cells or biomolecules towards designated regions for functioning. In our research, advanced on-chip cell manipulation techniques were invented and integrated onversatile nano-electroporation platforms for precise cell manipulation and transfection. We designed Magnetic Tweezers (Small, 2016), Dielectrophoresis (DEP) (Lab Chip,2015) and Open Microfluidics (Small, 2016) for cell loading, localization andsorting. We have demonstrated the unique performance of these techniques inhigh-through manipulating cells while massive parallel delivery of biomolecules into living cells with high uniformity, cell safety and dosage control.
Prof. Lingqian Chang,
Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Beihang University,
Director, Institute of Single Cell Engineering, Beijing.