

Associate professor

Email : chen-fang@sjtu.edu.cn

Office address : 432B Wenxuan building (Minhang)


Fang Chen is a tenured Associate Professor of the Biomedical Engineering Department at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She obtained her Ph.D. from Tsinghua University in 2018 and joined the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in early 2024. She is dedicated to interdisciplinary research in intelligent surgical navigation and precision diagnosis and treatment. In recent years, she has published over 60 papers in top-tier international academic journals and conferences in the field of biomedical engineering and medicine, including IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, IEEE Trans. Bio-Med Eng, and MICCAI. She holds nearly 20 authorized patents in China. Under her guidance, students won the first prize in the main track of the 18th "Challenge Cup" National College Student Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition in 2023. She has been awarded the first prize at the 14th National Youth Science and Technology Forum in Medicine and Health, the Contribution Award at the 18th Asian Conference on Computer-Assisted Surgery (ACCAS 2022), and the Excellent Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Chinese Society of Image and Graphics. She was also selected to IFMBE-Asian Pacific Young Investigators Research Program. As a principal investigator, she has led 15 projects including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, and she holds various positions such as Secretary-General of the Asian Society of Computer-Assisted Surgery (ASCAS), Secretary of the Academic Committee of the Tenth Council of the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, and member of the Smart Healthcare Committee of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence. Additionally, she serves as Associate Editor for the journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, and as an editorial board member for the journal of iLIVER.

Areas of Research Interests

Computer-assisted surgery, minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment guidance, medical image analysis, artificial intelligence.

Honors And Awards
  1. 2023 - Special Award in the main competition track of the 18th "Challenge Cup" National College Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition (as the first advisor).
  2. 2023 -Guided master's student won the Young Excellent Paper Award at the Chinese Biomedical Engineering Conference.
  3. 2023 - Second Prize in the Jiangsu Province Selection Competition of the 9th "Internet Plus" College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.
  4. 2022 - IFMBE-Asian Pacific Young Investigators Research Program (The sole selected candidate in the Chinese mainland)
  5. 2019 - First Prize at the 14th National Youth Science and Technology Forum on Medical and Health (Top 5 in the country in 2019).
  6. 2018 - Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from the China Graphics and Image Society (Top 10 in the country in 2018).
Selected Publications
  1. Fang Chen*, Lingyu Chen, Wentao Kong, Weijing Zhang, Pengfei Zheng, Liang Sun, Daoqiang Zhang, and Hongen Liao. Deep Semi-Supervised Ultrasound Image Segmentation by Using a Shadow Aware Network with Boundary Refinement. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 42(12) 3779-3793,2023
  2. Fang Chen, Jia Liu, Hongen Liao*. 3D Catheter Shape Determination for Endovascular Navigation Using a Two-Step Particle Filter and Ultrasound Scanning. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2017, 36(3): 685-695
  3. Fang Chen*, Xiwen Cui, Jiu. Liu, Boxuan. Han, Xinran. Zhang, Daoqiang. Zhang and Hongen. Liao: Tissue Structure Updating for In Situ Augmented Reality Navigation using Calibrated Ultrasound and Two-level Surface Warping, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 67(11), 3211-3222,2020 (被选为Feature article)
  4. Fang Chen*, Qingjie Du, Jingxin Zhao*, Zhe Zhao, Daoqiang Zhang, Hongen Liao, A Generalized Full-to-Partial Registration Framework of 3D Point Sets for Computer-aided Orthopedic Surgery, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 71(3) 1010-1012,2024.
  5. Fang Chen*, Haojie Han, Guochen Ning, Baojie Wen, Hongen Liao, Wentao Kong, Daoqiang Zhang, Immunohistochemical Index Prediction of Breast Cancer by Using Hybrid Ultrasound Data, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,70(4), 1401-1412,2022.
  6. Fang Chen*, Peng Xu, Yanting Xie, Daoqiang Zhang, Hongen Liao, Zhe Zhao, Annotation-guided encoder-decoder network for bone extraction in ultrasound-assisted orthopedic surgery, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022, 105813
  7. Lingyu Chen, Hongen Liao, Wentao Kong, Daoqiang Zhang, Fang Chen*. Anatomy preserving GAN for Realistic Simulation of Intraoperative Liver Ultrasound Images, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2023: 107642.
  8. Di Dong, Zhenchao Tang, Shuo Wang, Hui Hui, Lixin Gong, Yao Lu, Zhong Xue, Hongen Liao, Fang Chen, Fan Yang, Ronghua Jin, Kun Wang, Zhenyu Liu, Jingwei Wei, Wei Mu, Hui Zhang, Jingying Jiang, Jie Tian*, Hongjun Li*, The role of imaging in the detection and management of COVID-19: a review. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 14,16-29,2020 (Highly cited paper)
  9. Fang. Chen*, Jia. Liu, Xinran Zhang, Daoqiang Zhang and Hongen Liao: Improved 3D Catheter Shape Estimation Using Ultrasound Imaging for Endovascular Navigation: A Further Study, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 24(12) 3616 - 3629,2020
  10. Zhi Cao, Weijing Zhang, Keke Chen, Di Zhao, Daoqiang Zhang, Hongen Liao and Fang Chen*, Thinking Like Sonographers: A Deep CNN Model for Diagnosing Gout from Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2023. (Oral presentation (approximately 2%))