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XIA Weiliang and LU Shun: PTPRT loss enhances anti-PD-1 therapy efficacy by regulation of STING pathway in non-small cell lung cancer


GU Hongchen and XU Hong: Early Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer Based on Bisulfite-free Site-specific Methylation Identification PCR Strategy


YE Jian, ZHU Fangfang and SHEN Feng: A Single-Cell Metabolic Profiling Characterizes Human Aging via SlipChip-SERS


Shanghai Jiao Tong University Hosts the 6th IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Neuroengineering


YE Jian Group: Digital colloid-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for the pharmacokinetic detection of bioorthogonal drugs


Record-Breaking Achievements for Shanghai Jiao Tong University at the 9th National Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Innovation Design Competition

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Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is a world-renowned higher education institution and one of the top universities in China. It has established itself as a comprehensive, research-oriented, and internationalized university and ranks 47th worldwide (QS 2021). The university now has 31 schools, 31 research institutions and 13 affiliated hospitals, offering a wide range of degree programs.